Monday, September 9, 2013

What's your dream?

What is your dream? 
What kind of person are you? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you friendly? 
Or are you distant?

These might be the kinds of personalities that you portray to the outside world. But who are you really? You might put on a happy smile, but is that who you really are? I will tell you a piece of who I am

"It wasn't my dream but I got here as fast as I could to help it become a reality" 

This year has been my year of tears...

I have spent 365 days and counting, praying about the City of Longview, Texas. I have been heartbroken and heartsick. I have been given dreams, promises, and visions of a little town in East Texas. But through the tears I have held my head high and put on a happy face. Because I believe that you should always project the Jesus you love first and foremost.

Do I have it all together? Surely not my friends. God has spent the past 6 months at least refining who I am. In that process I have realized that I have put my best foot forward but that hasn’t been the real me for the most part. Yes, my joy is in the Lord and I am overwhelmed by his love and mercy

But my tears have been for the souls I see in my prayers. The faces I see in my dreams. And the multitudes I see in my visionsI asked God a question this year, “How can I do it alone?” And then I asked, “How can I do it if I am not in Longview?” The thing that broke my heart mostly this past year was the possibility of not reaching the multitudes because I wasn’t where I was supposed to be.

But then God made a way when there seemed to be no way

On July 22nd I officially moved to Longview, TX and today September 9th I officially handed to our new landlord our signed copy of our lease agreement for Friendship Community House in Longview, TX. In less than two months of me moving to Longview, God opened the most amazing door! We actually are getting two houses for the price of one!  

"The Community House" 

"The Dream House" 

The houses literally 
fell into our laps. And as I have already said to others, stand back and marvel at his glory. When God gets ready to move, He does it better than we could ask or think!

The house will be about becoming part of a community and reaching the forgotten in their own neighborhood. It is about building lasting relationships and friendships. It is about making a difference and taking the time to really get to know people.

We will speak the truth But first we will show them the love of Jesus Christ so we can add them to our family and then to the family of God. What good is it to win someone to God and then just have them walk right back out the door? Not everyone will come to a church but they will come to a house! Not everyone will come to a fellowship hall but everyone will come to a neighborhood BBQ. Not everyone will come to the altar and bow their heads but they will join hands with their neighbors in a common circle of friendship. There is power in a house because in it families are made and friends are there to last a lifetime!

I am honored to work beside the best man I know, Mr. Gus LaFosse. He and I have been on a journey that has had many twists in the road but in the end (which now is only the beginning) there is no one I would rather work beside! I believe in him and his vision. God allowed me the honor to buy into his vision and dream. God told me a year ago that this was only the first step and I have only just arrived. Can you imagine where God will take us in a year?

There are many ways to get involved:

1)  Donate time
2)Donate money
3)         Donate supplies

I will give more specifics later but immediately you can sow a seed for our ministry.

1)      You can donate at least $500 to be in the bronze circle and have your name or company engraved on a brick paver.

2)   You can become a monthly sponsor and paypal lets you set up an autopay method. Or you can give a one-time love offering. has    a link to donate

3)   You can contact me directly to pay with all major credit cards.
4)    Or you can send me a check to 1000 S Danville Rd Apt 521 Kilgore, TX 75662 made payable to Linda Hanekamp or Gus LaFosse.
5)   You can also order my book Unfolding the Rose 

  which is available for purchase on this web blog. The proceeds go to funding the Community House! 

  You can also order my amazing friend Gus LaFosse's book, The Truth About Walls and Bridges 

         at his blog 

*If you order both books together we will combine shipping into one shipping cost! 

I am amazed that in one short year of tears that God has brought the first phase of my promise to me. There is nothing that is impossible for God and if He is in it then there is no mountain that cannot be moved. I am living proof that His word is true and He will do all He has said He will do and more.

So I ask the question again, “What kind of person are you?”  Move beyond your facade and your tears...Are you willing to move into your promise? I believe in you! Just like I maybe strong on the outside but that is a façade I am weak but He is strong! He has given me the strength to make it to the first phase of my promise and in that I will hang tight for the rest of the promise

Help us make our dreams and promises a reality!! Partner with us for Friendship Community House!

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