Sunday, June 2, 2013

Blessing vs. Anointing?

Blessing vs. Anointing?

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.    2 Chronicles 7:14 

I had an interesting experience this weekend and it got me to thinking,

“Why do some people seem so blessed when they are not living in the truth?”

It seems every day I see that so many people who are blessed in the Lord.  God uses these blessed people to seemingly help others. I have often wondered how this is possible? Because oftentimes it seems, I am in a holding pattern, waiting to fulfill my purpose in Him. I looked around at the conference I went to this weekend and I would've never guessed these people were a Christian, meaning they looked like everyone else. Yet, they seemed to be so blessed of God. It’s in these kinds of situations where you stop and think, “Have I gotten it wrong somehow?” I don’t doubt my holiness and my separation unto God in the least. But how can these people speak a word into another person’s life? How can they live their life without holiness and still be used of God?


I went to my knees to get the answer. God gave me the scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14 and it came resonating into my life. God said that anyone who turns from their wicked ways and seeks Him, will be blessed. It's His promise and it's His covenant but that doesn't mean that they have the anointing of God on their lives. It is possible to be blessed without an anointing!


God really spoke into my heart and gave me an understanding that just because He blesses you, it doesn’t mean He has anointed you. He can use a donkey to speak His words. He will bless anyone who turns from sin and seeks Him with their lives. This reminded me of the scripture, “for many are called but few are chosen.” And maybe for the first time in my life this scripture makes perfect sense to me. I have always been taught that we are chosen, because we choose to be chosen. There is obviously more to the point of this scripture, the chosen are the anointed ones of God. The anointed ones choose to follow after God’s holiness and righteousness. God sees their hearts just as He saw my heart when He led me back to Him in my brokenness.

How are we chosen?

1) We accept the calling placed on our lives
2) We come out from the world and become separate
3) We put on the whole armor of God which includes holiness and righteousness which leads to our protection in the Spirit.
4) We buy the truth and sell it not!

There is only one God! “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord” Deuteronomy 6:4

There is only one mode of baptism! “One Lord, One Faith, One baptism.” Ephesians 4:5

There is only one plan of salvation! “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts 2:38

Contrary to popular beliefs, there are not many ways to Jesus. I hear this said so often in society but the truth is there is only one way to be saved. The Lord has been speaking to me in the Old Testament how He had an order of things, and they had to be followed exactly or the children of Israel were killed or cast out. So then if God is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore and His word never changes, then my friend, there is only one way to be saved! You can’t make it up as you go along and expect that you’ll make it to heaven on your own beliefs. Don’t fall into the trap of this world, that you can get to  Heaven your own way because that just isn’t the truth. I would rather tell you the truth now then for you to have wished I told you on judgment day…

How do we get the anointing of God?

We get it through following the truth and then by prayer, fasting, and consecration to God. We are the people of the name of Jesus. We have been called out to be separate. We have power that only comes in the name of Jesus. And how do we get this power? We get it when we are sealed in baptism but baptism in Jesus name. The titles of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost will not seal us because they are not the name of God. God’s name is Jesus and He came to call you to become His chosen child of God. He is calling you to your anointing.

Another thought…

Do you want to be touched or changed?

You can only be changed through the anointing of Jesus Christ. You can be blessed without having an anointing. The children of Israel were blessed but they lost their anointing and were often destroyed because they refused to follow the order of God. I don’t know about you but I want to be changed. If a minister lays hands on me I want them to have power and authority that is backed by the anointing of God, otherwise I only got touched.


Anointing comes with a cost. You will often be in the wilderness. It will seem at times that everyone else around you has it together and here you are wandering in the wilderness for forty years…

You will be betrayed. You will have people turn their backs on you. You will wonder if you have heard the voice of God. You will have everything stripped away from your life. You will be raw and vulnerable. You will weep in anguish before the Lord. You will want to give up. You will be broken. You will be alone. You will beg God to change His mind. You will want to give up on your promise. You will wonder if it will ever happen.

This is the life of the anointed…


He will never leave you or forsake you. He will be the father to the fatherless and a friend to the friendless. He will speak to you so sweetly in a still small voice. He will restore a double portion of what is taken. He will put a shield of protection around your life. He will turn your weeping into joy. He will give you determination to never give up. He will take your brokenness and make you beautiful. He chose you and you’ll be thankful He didn’t change His mind. He will exceed His promise to you. He has made a promise and it will come to pass.

This is the hope in the life of the anointed. This is the faith that He gives you when you are determined to be changed in His presence. I don’t ever want to just receive a touch but I want to be made whole in His presence.

When you sell out holiness or you have never lived a life of holiness you are missing out on the promises of God…

Holiness in dress is a reflection of the church. A woman who is clothed in holiness brings power to the church. How a woman dresses indicates her attitude to her husband or father and is a matter of submission to God. A woman who is clothed in holiness in her dress and her uncut hair brings the power of the Angels to the church. She brings the shekinah glory of God to the church. You can always tell a healthy church by the heart and actions of a woman. It’s true that a woman might be dressed holy and has a bad attitude in her heart but the truth is she is still being obedient to the word of God. Obedience is better than sacrifice. There is power in holiness and it becomes our protection from the world. It also becomes our protection in the Spirit world. Hair and dress are the a part of the order of God. I don’t know why He used these things for His glory but that’s what He chose as a symbol of submission. They are the order of God.

In Conclusion:

I want the blessings of God in my life and I can get that by turning from my sin. But I want the anointing more!!! It means I have to sacrifice my own desires to accept the calling and life of an anointed woman of God. The anointing only comes to the chosen people of God. There is only one plan of salvation and I have to follow after His word to be saved! I know God cannot lie and He will never leave me or forsake me. There is only one chosen group of people and it's those who choose to live in the submission and truth of His holiness and righteousness. Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because God blesses you that you are anointed! And don’t be fooled into thinking you can do it your own way outside of the word of God and you can be saved…

Nothing I have said in this blog is to down any person but rather it is meant to inspire you to dig deeper in the word of God. There is more than just a blessing waiting for you but there is an anointing that will shake the foundation of this world and it will give you power in the name of Jesus! The power comes through the Holy Ghost which is evidenced in speaking in tongues and we are sealed in His name through Jesus name baptism... 

Don't miss out on your anointing!!!!

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