Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tears, Promises and Miracles...2012 in Review

Tears, Promises and Miracles…

“I am the author so you have to let me write the book.
 I am the author and the pages are being prepared, the outline is being drafted, the chapters are being arranged, and the binding is being sealed.”

The Lord gave me those words here at the close of 2012, which was the greatest year of my life. If you were to look at my life and knew all of the tears I had cried, you would hardly think this was the best year of my life. Why was it the best year of my life? It was because it was the year I fell in love with Jesus. No longer am I unto myself but now I am a servant of the King.

In January of 2012 I radically threw my life on the altar of the Lord. See He had redeemed me from my life of sin, despair, and hopelessness. It was then that I actually felt my life change like it had never done before in the past. I was raised in church, I went to a Christian school and I was a Bible school graduate. I had done all the right things but yet I fell away in disappointment and bitterness. I asked the Lord, “Why Lord did I fall away? I did everything unto you.” He said you did it unto my but you forgot to look at me. I had mistakenly forgotten to look at him and to seek him first in all things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

So then my journey began in March when I resigned my job. I traveled the country. This was always a desire to see the country and visit all my dear friends. This traveling began in June 2012. It was at the very first service with Bro. Jerry Jones preached about: two guards, two chains, and a warden. I literally felt the chains of oppression removed from my life. God showed up when I needed him most! He will never leave you or forsake you. These very words “I will never leave you or forsake you” have been my very motto of my life this past year. It was one of the first promises that God gave me. I began the year in tears and I let those tears change me. When I was open to the voice of the Lord then he began to share his promises with me. I am not worthy of his love but he loved me no matter what!

The travels led me from state to state and I was blessed to attend 7 camp meetings. How amazing is that? I was able to spend a whole year listening to the word of God. It was life altering. Would I travel all over again? You betcha! It was on this trail of tears that I found my faith in God. I had always loved the Lord but this was finding me in love with the Lord. There is a huge difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. I had spent my whole life never feeling this kind of love. It was the love of a redeemed soul.

When I came home from my travels is when I truly changed. No longer was I unto myself. It was now not about me or my silly wants or desires. There was a literal shift in the spirit. I can almost tell you the day. It was the day after I came home. I was praying and the desire for souls came on me so strong; stronger then it ever had in my life! I went to the church for weeks praying and the burden would not lift. But then it began to take form. God began to show me his plan for my life.

I met a person who changed me forever. The best person I have ever met: A person that I will never be able to measure up to no matter how much I would have tried. But the Lord showed me that I had my own set of gifts to help the Homeless ministry and that I did not have to do all the same things. I would be an asset to the ministry and I would balance them. My strengths would offset the weaknesses and vice versa. I began reading the gospels every day and reading the blogs of the one who changed my life. It was life changing and inspiring! For now I know what I was finally meant to do with my life. I was to be a servant to the people just as Jesus came to serve so was I to serve. 

Serving in LVOE is the love of Jesus. LVOE is a love that is not like any other love and is spelled this way to distinguish the difference of God’s love. This is the motto of Common Ground a mission in Shreveport, LA that I was blessed to minister in this year.
I am to love those in need whether you I am loved in return. They may never come to Jesus and I might not ever know their names. But I accept the call of the great command of the Lord.

Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:36-40

I accepted the call after the best year of my life. This was year that was met with a trail of tears:  

1) “Lord change me don’t leave me in my sin”
2) “Lord give me a burden for souls”
3) “Lord help me through the fire”

The fire came in like a flood when I accepted the call. Which is what happens to those who are servants of the Lord most high! The floods of fire would have made most people run for the hills. But see I had a whole year of promises along my trail of tears. No longer did I have to do it alone. I heard the phrase this year that caught my attention: “Why are you running from the Lord? He will only love you if he catches you!” I don’t know about you but my friend if you are running this really is the truth. Will there trials? Will you have pain? Yes and yes but there will be such peace and joy as you throw yourself at the master’s feet.

If you never have adversity you will never change. If there is no pain you will never have any growth spiritually. Adversity shapes us and makes us over. It humbles us and brings us to our knees. I can honestly say, “Lord thank you for my adversity!” My mother said how could this be your best year? When you have faced so much pain? People have turned their back on you, you have been rejected more times than you can count, and you have lost people you loved.

But you see my sweet friends I have gained everything. I may have lost it all but the Lord will return to me more than what I have lost. I have prayed for a double portion from the Lord and he will never leave me or forsake me. The Lord only wants the best for me!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13

As I ended the year the Lord spoke to me and told me that this year was a year of miracles in my life. In 2012 it was a year of promises and now I look forward to miracles in 2013. It will be only the Lord who makes it happen. On December 31st I was reminded that he is faithful. I should have received a speeding ticket. I was praying on my way to the hospital to visit friends with a sick son. But the Lord intervened and I didn’t even receive a warning. It spoke to me in a mighty way. I deserved the ticket because I was speeding I didn’t deserve mercy but I received it anyways. This is just like the Lord to show me that is who He is: I don’t deserve his mercy and I will fail him often but He will not punish me for my shortcomings. It is his infinite mercy. He loves us no matter what we do and He makes a way of escape when there seems like no way of escape.

This year will be a year of miracles. I sat at church before communion and foot washing and wrote down as many promises from the last year as possible. I am claiming those miracles! I am also making it my life to be a servant to all who need me. I have already begun giving my time, money and energy. Now I hope to give his LVOE to all I meet. My desire is to be a willing servant and vessel unto the mighty master and savior.

Whether I am an encourager, a homeless advocate, feeding the poor, and praying for friends and loved ones. No longer can I be an island unto myself. I am accountable to the LVOE of the Lord and to all that need me.

Will you accept my challenge? Will you spend every day impacting the lives around you? Will you put your hands to working for the Kingdom? This is the great command to love and to serve. It is what Jesus came to do. He served with his life and died for us in LVOE! I am ready for my miracles!

                                                                                   My challenges for 2012 in Recap:

Are you raw oak or a varnished deck?

Are you trapped going up or down?
To be or not to be that is the question?
Are you full time or part time?
Will you accept the great responsibility?
Will you give yourself away?
Who are you influencing?
Will you give your dreams back to the Lord?
Will you move beyond your personal masquerade ball?
Have you misplaced your invitation?
Will you let him prepare your heart?
 Will you step out beyond the glass?

(Photos are from my travels in 2012)  

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