Friday, January 18, 2013

Roadblocks, Obstacles and Hindrances

There's a purpose in a holding pattern and it won't make sense in the least....but my friend hold on to the promises from the Lord because he cannot lie and he will not fail you! So while you're waiting praise him and keep on pushing in the spirit - Gods making a way for your breakthrough!

Roadblocks, Obstacles and Hindrances

I was praying the other day and the Lord showed me that there was a reason for roadblocks, obstacles and hindrances in my life and for everyone’s life. There is a reason why people and things go in and out of our lives. The purpose is simple if a person, place or thing is not removed out of our life we will not reach the potential that the Lord has for us.

Imagine your life on a time line:

    /Friends                   /Family
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_/______\_________/________\______>Ultimate Goal Heaven
                \                                   \
                 \Job                              \Ministry Etc.

Every person place or thing that is moved out of your life is for a reason. The pain teaches us to turn to the Lord. It might not seem so at the time but the people who hurt us, reject us and turn their backs on us actually cause us to get better. We have the choice to get bitter or get better! For example the person who turns their back on you may be your best friend, your loved ones, or even ministry. But the good news is that it is all in God’s plan to get you where you need to go in him. The person or job may have had a long term affect that may have inhibited you from stepping outside the norm into the supernatural where God would be able to use your life to its fullest capacity.

Roadblocks: What is a roadblock? Unfortunately I have spent an awful lot of time in the State of Mississippi (Sorry friends from there). It seems that this state thrives on stopping people in the middle of the road for no apparent reason. So you’re driving along minding your own business and then poof there’s the police. They ask you for: Driver’s license, registration, and car insurance. They ask questions: Where are you going? Have you been drinking? Who are the people in your car?

This is the same with a road block in the Lord. Sometimes he stops us in the middle of what we are doing. We are driving along and everything seems fine. And then the Lord checks us in the spirit. He stops us sometimes for a short while and sometimes he searches the trunk of our car/ our heart. He stops us and makes us check our attitude, our spirit, and our state of mind. Why does he stop us? He is making sure we have everything we need for battle. He is not trying to give us a ticket or get us arrested but if we don’t have what we need then he may spiritually give us a ticket or even arrest us. His intentions are not to keep us in the road block but to get us back on the road as soon as possible. He uses prayer, the word, the preached word, and daily circumstances to make us stop and make sure we have what we need in him.

Obstacles: three examples are where we work, where we live, and sometimes where we go to church. These three things are just a few examples of obstacles there can of course be many more.

Sometimes we lose our job and we think it’s the end of the world. God moved me out of my job this year so this analogy makes sense to me. I thought to myself what am I going to do? Then I realized that God had a plan for this past year of my life. He allowed me to follow a dream I had had for many years by traveling the country and it was on this journey that I found my love for the Lord in a way I had never imagined. So you see losing the job was an obstacle that God moved out of my life for a purpose. He wanted me to draw unto him in a mighty way.

 When we have obstacles we can choose to live by faith or we can choose to live by fear and confusion. An example of an obstacle is sometimes where we live. God sometimes moves us across the country or across the city. He is strategically placing us on a path for a specific purpose. We may never know the purpose because God may never reveal why He has made this change in our lives. We can embrace the obstacle and look for the good or we can be set in our ways and be bitter about the change. His purpose may be that we affect one life where He has sent us. God would move a mountain to save one person. So no we don’t know His ways but we say to Him; your will be done Lord not my will. You may not know the reason but if God tells you to go then you go and then if He tells you to wait then you wait. There is always a plan from the Lord! Even if we never know what it is: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1  

Where we go to church I think is the hardest obstacle of all for those walking by faith. This part is by in no means referring to any church or any minister in particular. I am only using this analogy because I know of so many people who don’t understand why God would want to move them out of a church situation. How in the world can church be an obstacle? Are we not all brothers and sisters in the Lord? The answer is yes and yes. This is the part where I really feel the Lord was talking to me about and He showed me why things sometimes happen the way they do.

We are going to church, we are faithful, we are doing the Lords work and we are happy. Then the unthinkable happens, we cry out to God, and we lament the change. We are creatures of habit and we hate change. But God uses circumstances and people to move us out of our current location. Again it makes no sense and it hurts. The reason we must move on may be for a variety of reasons but the main reason is that we can no longer grow where we are located. There is a greater purpose on the time line of your life. So He painfully uproots our lives and makes us move on to the next phase of our life and ministry often kicking and screaming. Here is the part that we need to know; if we know that it is God’s plan even in the pain we can accept the change and let the obstacle mold us. Too often this happens and we think that the person or obstacle is either our fault or the other person’s fault. Ultimately God is in control no matter what! He is the author and finisher of our lives. He is pushing us, moving us, and prodding us to be great! When we realize that even in our pain that God has a plan, then we move forward with God instead of going against the flow and accepting the obstacle as defeat. When we see God’s plan for our lives then we can move forward with the Lord.

Hindrances: I will liken my examples to that of people. Sometimes hindrances in our lives are our very own family. The bible says following Christ is more important than family. If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:26-27 Jesus is saying that we must do His work above our family. If God calls us to do something oftentimes our family may turn our back on us. Or it may be that God shifts the relationship between members because maybe they are a hindrance to them now or possibly the future.

We cannot see our own future. We don’t know if someone will in fact affect us in such a way that we will be hindered in the work of the Lord. So when people move in and out of our lives. Love them but don’t hold a grudge or allow bitterness to seep into your life. People will hurt you! They will hurt you so bad to the core of your being but we are commanded to forgive them. I will give you an example of someone hurting me in my life. When I was young there were many who hurt me but there was one in particular. I chose to forgive them and move on because I was taught to pray against hatred and bitterness from moving into my heart as a young girl. Years later someone asked the person if they knew how much they hurt me? The person actually had no recollection of hurting me at all. How sad if I had carried that hurt and bitterness all those years.

The key to people as hindrances in our lives is to forgive and release them back to the Lord when they walk out of our lives.This will be very hard to do at first because we as humans tend to rarely forget the wrongs done to us in our lives. We tend to like to hold on to them and let them fester. Jesus said we are to forgive someone 70 X 7. I think this means in our daily lives. We must pray and forgive them daily. I heard a minister this summer preach at Louisiana Camp: Pray to forgive and release them back to God every day until He takes the pain from our lives. Then we are to pray that God doesn't punish them for hurting us. This is true forgiveness! It will take time to get to this place in our lives. It will not happen overnight but it is a process. But the more we learn to forgive then the more readily we will be able to forgive in the future.

The important thing to realize is that God uses all these roadblocks, obstacles, and hindrances for our good. He does not make the choices for people but since He knows our choices He chooses to turn it around for our good. He has the timeline for our lives all mapped out! We can choose to accept the hurts and let them be used for our betterment or we can stop and stand in a holding pattern. We can wander around in the wilderness for forty years getting bitter and never fulfilling our purpose or we can accept that God is the author of our time line!

I am so thankful that God showed me the purpose of these hurts in my own life. They have all happened to me and they will surely happen more in the future. But now that I know there is a purpose and that God is using it to shape my life it helps me be prepared for battle! When God takes away something from our lives and we are faithful to his word and living by faith in Him, He will always return more than what He took! He uses these challenges to gird us up in the faith with the battle armor of faithfulness! He will never leave us or forsake us! He formed us in His own image! He wants to see us succeed! Let Him take your pain by allowing Him to unfold the rose petals in your life! Embrace roadblocks, obstacles, and hindrances because in our adversity we are changed. We live by faith and in our faith our Lord and savior receives all the glory in our lives! Be thankful every time something falls apart because that just means He is getting ready for something better in your life!

1 comment:

  1. Embracing roadblocks... such a needed lesson. So Biblical. And so challenging when in the thick of things... Thank-you for this timely reminder. Blessings.
