Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Live With Abandon!

Live with Abandon

I don’t know what other words to use but “weird”. When you sell out to the Lord and live your life with abandon you become weird. Those people who knew you once either sees you as a threat or a liar. “Is that really you, Linda? Or are you faking your life?" So then of course you begin to doubt your heart and you cry out to the Lord, am I faking it Lord? 

I am here to tell you be weird! Live your life with abandon anyways. Your life is but a vapor and you are here but for a moment. Eternity is forever. I know that is hard to imagine but it really is forever. There are so many struggles and pains that go with living your life in abandon. But I promise you it is worth it to live your life with this purpose. It will transform your life into a life of service. And then there will be protection and favor, that comes from the Lord, when you live your life unto him wholly sold out to His purpose. 

And then you will wonder why you ever held back...

How do you sell out you may ask? The first thing I had to do was set aside all my idols. That means I had to clear the clutter from my life. It didn't come all at once and everyone has different clutter, but I promise if you ask, He will tell you. We are to set aside the things of this world and live our lives unto Him. We are to pray without ceasing. We are to mediate on the Word of God. We are to consecrate our lives to fasting. I know this sounds like the same ole and same ole.

But it really is the answer... 

You may have tried it short-term, but have you made prayer, fasting and the Word a lifestyle? You have to do it fully on purpose! It can’t be an afterthought it has to be your focus. I promise it will be painful. I promise you will want to give up. I promise you will feel alone. I promise you will hurt and cry out to God. These are all the promises I make to you, as God will begin to re-shape your life for His purpose. He will begin to peel back the onion layers by shedding your outer layer of skin. He will pour into you, your purpose in Him. His will for your life will become evident.

You will then seek to please Him with all of your actions. You will begin to see through His eyes. You will look around you and realize you have been wasting your life. There will be a passion for the lost that will come upon you. It will drive you to extremes. You will be reaching and searching everywhere you go. You will be weird I am sorry to tell you that’s just how it goes. You will be misunderstood and your good will be called into question.

But I am here to tell you the Lord will be your proof! He will fill all the broken pieces of your heart with His light and His love. He will come in a still small voice and overwhelm you with His love. He will fill your heart with a love that I really can’t even put into words. Then you will be able to share that love with others and lead them to their own life of abandon. I know I am not perfect and it is not me but Him who is in me. I give Him all the glory. You will come to a point when you realize, He really does give and take away. He is the author and finisher of your faith.

He knows right where you’re at! He died specifically at that moment in time so that He could save a man dying on the cross next to Him. Wow! He timed His death at just the exact moment to save another. So when we get discouraged and think that God doesn’t know where you’re at I promise that is just not the case. He is waiting for you to make your move towards Him so He can change your life. He told me a few weeks ago when He performed a miracle for my life on my student loans, “Linda, I can give you anything you desire. I can perform every miracle but I can’t make you move!” This means I have to make a move towards the cross. I have to change my perspective and ideas and I can only do that by living my life in full abandon at the foot of the cross.

When you live your life in abandon, He is going to call you to people and to places. He is going to require a lot out of you. But do not fear for He will not let those things come to pass until you are strong enough…

I have struggled every day since moving to where God called me. I cried out to God and have asked Him to release me from what He has shown me. I promise it is painful. You will be alone. You will doubt your actions but I promise you too if you do what He is telling you all of His promises will come to pass. Mine have not come to pass yet but that doesn't mean I don’t trust and believe Him. Who am I to mess with God’s timing? He saved the man on the cross right at the only moment that man could be saved. He has your moment, He has my moment, and He has His perfect timing. The problem we have me included, we either step away from the promise or we are too scared to pursue them. The trials get too hard or we get too carnally minded.

So we back down…

I asked the Lord to send someone else to my promise. The Lord has told me over and over. “You asked me to send another but I always sent you.”  Ouch! It is hard to be still and wait on the Lord to do His part. You will feel abandoned. You will feel lost. But I am here to tell you live your life on purpose, wait on the Lord to fulfill His purpose in His timing. Live your life with abandon! Surrender your life to a life of praise and worship. Worship Him in the storm and He will sustain you until that day and that exact moment in time He fulfills His word in your life.

When it happens it will be beautiful. It will be lovely. It will be in God’s order and His timing. Who I am is of no consequence but when I choose to live my life with abandon and take Him at His word even in the waiting I win. You too will win!!!

The end is near and the Lord is raising up an army. He is reaching for those who are willing to sell out everything to reach His people. He is raising up men and women who will answer the call no matter how much it hurts. He will sustain us all with His love. Every day will bring new miracles and wonders because you are living within the realm of our almighty God!

Will you begin today to live your life with abandon?

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