What’s the point?
I have asked this question a lot in the past year. What is
the point Lord? I don’t really have the words to describe how hard it is to do something
you don’t want to do. I really can only think of one thing I did this past year
that I really wanted to do, well maybe two things. I went on my road trip and
God used it to open my eyes to His purpose. The other thing well it has been a
disaster from the start. So, what’s the point Lord?
The point is this when you sell out and say, “Not my will
but thy will be done.” You truly do lose your free will. I mean you can keep
trying to do it your own way but God never seems to let that happen when you
sell out. I have said this so many times but it is true for my life. When God
says “Go” I just have to do what He says. It blows my mind every time I listen
and maybe not right away but I see the hand of the Lord on my life. Most of the
time it is way after the fact but it still holds true. I was reminded of His
plan for me today.
I was sitting in the church and yes as I often am crying
lol (there is a reason for that statement.) God reminded me of so many
promises. I went reading through my prayer journals and I am always amazed when
I do that because I see patterns of how God has been talking to me. Months can
have gone by and I see the same words and phrases He has given me and it
becomes its own confirmation. Last night at church there was a message that was
preached about puzzle pieces and it reminded me of something God had given me
in early July when I moved to Longview.
I found it and it blew my mind.
God always confirms His word and it will not return void!
I saw so many things in my journals that made no sense a
year ago take form and it was like the light was shining. It makes so much more
sense to me now. I would like to go on record saying that I truly am a selfish
person. God has been working this out of me for so long but when you look back
over the promises and then you see the results in front of you, the answer is
simple, “I am still selfish”. I am thankful for a God who tries to bring that
out so that I don’t have to stay in the same destructive pattern. I have failed
miserably but as my pastor from home has told me, “God is in control.”
Ouch! that is a hard one to not lose sight of because we
as people get so wrapped up in our own thoughts that we get sidetracked from
the vision at hand. God has been speaking to me about my focus and how that it
has to be on Him.
I thought it was…
I thought I was doing what He was telling me to do. It is
sad to point out that I always fail in this area of my life. I put my best foot
forward and welp it always gets misconstrued… lol some day I will learn. I will say
this though, I may have missed the mark but God is still in control and knows the outcome. I am sure
glad He knows what the point is?
I am only a servant in the army of the Lord. I can’t look
to the left or to the right and neither can you my friends. The devil brings
distractions to keep us from the mission at hand. The point is: “The souls are
white and ready to harvest.” And when you sell out, you have to be willing to
go where you’d rather give your eye teeth not to go. I said it once today I
would rather be in Siberia. It would be easier
to crawl up in a corner and die.
But not this time Devil…
I don’t think I have ever been so mad at the devil. When I
am mad it makes me fight stronger in the Lord. No weapon formed against us
shall prosper! You may have won the battle but the end of the book says, “We
Don’t give up on your dream just before it comes to pass!
I encourage you to throw yourself at the altar of surrender. You think it is
too much to bear, (I know I have been there.) But I promise you there is beauty
in the ashes. He will resurrect you from the dead. He made you a promise and
the only reason there are unfulfilled promises is because you stopped pursuing
them. My pastor preached this week that you have to kill your promises because
if you do God will raise them from the dead. If Abraham was willing to kill his only son without God
living inside him, then how much more should you and I kill my promise? I give up trying to do it my way, obviously I umm stink at it!
The whole point is: people will laugh at you, they will
mock you, they will misunderstand you, they will turn their back on you, they
will judge you, they won't forgive you, and possibly, yes, hate you. But you don’t answer to them; they are
not your Master and Judge. So I implore you…Follow through with God’s point for
your life. It is always darkest before the dawn…
God Bless you my friends…
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