Friday, September 14, 2012

I Give Myself Away

How does one give themselves away?

It's simple really! You give away your time, resources, blood, sweat, and tears. My journey began earlier this summer as I stated in an earlier blog varnished-deck.html but oh how the summer ended. It ended with me seeing exactly the ministry that God was preparing me for all year. No longer is my life a mystery. No longer do I wonder what God might have for me. I am sold out and ready to move into what God wants for my life.

I spent eight days exploring Longview, Tx and Shreveport, La. Yes, my friends I was impressed. Here is a group of people who have sold out to the Lord. They are helping the homeless, the needy, and the underprivileged. It brought me to my knees in conviction because too long I have sat idle doing absolutely nothing of value for the Lord. True, I have been involved in church ministry but was I really helping out my fellow neighbor? The answer is a convicting no! How long have I sat and wasted the God-given talent that Jesus has bestowed on my life? Even now I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. How can this world be reached if I'm not reaching toward them?

I don't want to take another trip around the mountain because I am scared about what God has in my life. How many times have you and I let ministry pass us by because it wasn't convenient or because it didn't fit inside another person's perspective? I had dedicated my entire life to God in doing busy work for the church. I was so unhappy and began to become disappointed in God. Who does that? How could I when the God of all creation came down and died for my sins? Selfishness, self-centeredness and bitterness enveloped my life. I was so focused on what I was "doing" for the Lord that I forgot to put him first. You see if I was seeking him first in my life then I would have recognized that my purpose in life is to lead others to Jesus.

Leading others to Jesus is tedious, ugly, dirty, painful work. You pour your life into them with no guarantee that they will serve the Lord. That is the part we have to get over in our walk with Jesus. He wants us to seek him first and to feed his sheep. We are to reach out to the lowly, the hungry, the homeless, and the needy. When you take care of the least of his, he will take care of you. It is principle based our goal is to lead others to salvation but if you meet people's basic needs he will reward your efforts.

Who should we be supporting and reaching?
1) Missionaries who give up their whole life for the gospel. They leave their families and their country and all they know to reach the lost. God said if anyone would do this he would reward their efforts. We need to support them by giving and going.
2) We should be reaching the lost and needy right here at home. Did you know there were homeless, needy people on every corner? Did you know the least of these are who we are sent to reach? Support these efforts by donating your time and money.

I was convicted and inspired by my trip to Longview, TX. I have bought into the dreams and visions of those who are there now doing the work. My life has been forever changed by the lives of those who have sacrificed their lives to help those in need. My life is not my own to him I belong and I give myself away!

Are you willing to change and give your life to the Lord? Why are you waiting? There is no need to take another trip around the mountain!

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