Thursday, April 25, 2013

F. A. I. T. H. a five letter word!

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen"
Hebrews 11:1

Faith is a small five letter word but it packs a powerful punch! Everyone says you have to live by faith to succeed. I truly believe that is true. The hard part though is when you have the faith and people or circumstances seem to doubt your faith. I am here to tell you today, "Don't give into that fear that comes when you or someone else doubts your faith." 

Faith is your greatest tool and if you are willing to step out God will make a way when there seemeth no way! You might stumble and you might make some mistakes along the way but that is what you have God for in your life. He is there  to help you find the broken pieces that you may have shattered. He will help you find the missing pieces. Some might be under the dresser, the stove, or buried in a corner. God knows your heart and He is stretching you to live in His atmosphere. When He makes a way you must "GO" even if no one else understands but you. They are your promises, DON'T GIVE INTO FEAR!!!

Don't Give in to Fear!

The greatest tool you can have while fighting the battle of the Lord is to not give in to fear! It is so easy to do and all of us have done it. It will cripple you, it will make you think you are not good enough; it will stunt your growth in the Lord. It will keep you standing in one spot and never moving forward. You can only get over your fear by stepping out in faith and doing what you fear most.

God uses us in our fearful state for His glory. Abram trusted God but he was a fearful man. In spite of his fears Abram stepped out in faith. I have felt like Abram, I was full of fear, knowing the work God has placed in my life for me to do. God has called me to leave my home and family to head out on a journey where I will not know the outcome just like Abram. I missed the mark the first time because I was too fearful. I am determined not to miss the mark this time.

Are you full of fear? God’s words to Abram were “Fear not.” I always used to think that I had to pray and let God release the fear from me before He could use me. Or before I would let myself think I could be used. Waiting until I was no longer afraid meant that I actually stood still and did nothing. I allowed my fear to immobilize me. I didn’t accomplish very much for God, I wasn’t helping others, and I was hurting myself more in the process.

While reading the Gospels this past year it really gave me an understanding that there is no perfect thing that I am “Supposed to be doing.” I found that when I stepped out in faith and followed His Word that God blessed me. It is when we step out in faith like Abram regardless of our fear, that God will honor our faith to Him.

          Just think if Abram had not stepped out in faith, he would have never fulfilled his purpose. He would have missed out on all God had for him in His life. He would have never become the father of many nations. If I refuse to step out in faith then I too will miss out on His purpose for my life. The same goes for those of you reading this book. Don’t miss out on your promise just because you have fear!

The best part is that when you step out on faith, God is right there to help you. There is a holy boldness that comes on you, and you have the power to do anything you put your hands to do. For His promise to us is that “He will never leave you or forsake you.” He gives you the words to speak and He guides your steps in the Holy Ghost.
If you give into fear you will alter the road of your life. You will go down a different path than the original plan God had for your life. Fear will immobilize you which are the trick of the enemy. The best part is that if you have strayed from His perfect plan, He has already made a new plan. He is the alpha and omega; He knows the end from the beginning. He knows our choices but that doesn’t mean we can sit idly and say, “Oh well God will make a new plan.” We can’t be OK with fear!

Step out in faith even if you are afraid, the rewards will be great, and I promise you God will be there right beside you! If He kept His promises with Abram who was not the bride of Christ, how much more is He trying to keep His promises to you? I implore you to pray right now and ask God to help you step out in faith in spite of your fear. Ask Him to allow you to do whatever He is telling you to do. The time is now. The fields are ripe ready to harvest. We must be about our Father’s business. Stand firm and throw your fears at the altar. Faith is more powerful and can do more than fear can keep you from doing...

Let’s step out in faith together setting aside our fears...
We can beat the Devil at his own game and refuse to live in fear even when it seems like the most logical thing to do!